In my res here at Rhodes we have this thing called a participation board. The name pretty much says it all, it tracks the students in my res'es participation in res activities. These activities include inter res sports events, community engagement and other similar things. Now myself and my friend that lives in the same res as me, we aren't really 'participation people'. We went to the same high school and school spirit and taking part in school activities is just something that was not drilled into us, and therefore something we are just not accustomed to or interested in. So where other students in our res were racking up the stars next to their names on the participation board, the spaces next to our names remained blank, and we were okay with that. This, however, changed recently when it was made compulsory for everyone to make at least one trip to help out at a children's home for community engagement. My friend and I made the trip to the children's home as was required of us, and for this we earned our first (and most likely last) participation stars. My friends from other residences had considered it hilarious and, quite frankly, typical that we had no stars, and even more hilarious when we were awarded our single stars for the trip to the children's home. Although I had no problem with my lack of participation, and therefore stars, I was pleased that we did receive a star for our community engagement as we did put in the work for them. So I was severely pissed off the other day, when I discovered that someone has removed the star from next to my name on the participation board. Seriously?!?! Who frikkin does that?? I went to the children's home, I did the participation, so give me back my damn participation star. Talk about a petty crime.
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