Something that irritates the sanity out of me is this thing that seems to have infected the minds of the world's youth, and even some of our more senior members of humanity. Hashtagging, it sounds like a fishy, marine type term, not a craze of the social network. I don't have a problem with it when people use it on Twitter, because obviously that is what it's for, and I'll admit it's a pretty ingenious way of tracking and creating trending topics. When people started using it on other social media such as bbm, whatsapp and Facebook it began to get mildly irritating. On the irritation scale it was probably at level 5, that's around the same level as those terrible news readers that can't speak English properly and mess up the grammar and pronunciation of, lets face it, really simple words. So that was irritating but still bearable. Recently though, people have actually began to say "hashtag etc etc" during a conversation. Honestly, what is social discourse coming to.This development greatly increases the irritation level, taking it waaay off the charts. It has now reached a degree of irritation to rival that of say... James Blunt's voice or Julius Malema maybe. Has the standard of conversation dropped so drastically that we have reduced ourselves to saying a key word or phrase in the place of an actual coherent sentence??
xxx Jamay
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