Thursday, 18 October 2012

Exams make me super tidy

End of year exams are coming up soon, which means hitting the books and the loss of any form of social life whatsoever. We all know how exhilarating studying can be. I find that during exam time my room stays exceptionally tidy, no dish goes unwashed, no bed unmade and absolutely no clothing can be found on the floor. The reason for this? It may sound crazy but tidying up my room is just more fun than cracking a book. We all have our delay tactics and ways to procrastinate, and I find cleaning my room becomes just that much more important during exam time. Come visit me any other time of the year and its another story.  Ironic since exams are the time of year that people visit the least.
Good luck with your studies and varies procrastinations everyone.

xxx Jamay

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