My faith in humanity has once again been placed under doubt. On my return to res this Wednesday, Halloween as it were, my lovely mum gave me some koeksisters. I don't particularly love koeksisters but these ones were really good, and so I placed the remaining ones in my res fridge with my name clearly marked on the punnet. I know some people have been complaining about food being taken from the fridge recently, and I myself have suspected for a while that someone has been drinking my milk. I never thought, however, that someone would stoop so low as to steal 3 koeksisters that were clearly marked as belonging to someone else. Come on people, really? How low is the human race to stoop before hitting rock bottom? What kind of person steels another persons food as it is, let alone 3 lowly syrup coated doughnut-braid. I ask you. What angers me most about this is that there will be no justice for the thief. It's not so much that I won't get to eat the koeksisters, but that one of my fellow res mates is a deceptive swine with weak morality. What I would give to look them in the eye and calmly explain how little I think of them, followed by a swift slap and/or punch, whichever feels right in the moment. Someone in res has taken a stand against the food thief, and to whoever they are, I have great admiration for them. This person has stuck a sign on the fridge threatening the thief, which can be seen in the pictures below. I have also just this second made another discovery, that my brand new, clearly marked juice has been opened and half of it has been consumed, and not by me. The low-life strikes again... and next time they will get a nasty surprise. xxx Jamay see pics below
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