Exams are here, it's almost time to go, I can't frikkin wait.
It is the ever hated and feared exam time at the moment. I have 6 to write, which is surprising as I only have 4 subjects, but the English department seems to hate me. I have already written my least favourite subject, Philosophy, as well as my major; Journalism. Hopefully I studied enough for them, we shall see. What I have left to write are English prose, drama and poetry as well as a Linguistics exam. Thanks to exams, life is very quiet and dull at the moment. No raucous parties, no loitering around town or anything remotely fun really. I am thoroughly looking forward to the end of exams and the beginning of my 2 month holiday which starts promptly after my last exam of the 26th. woohoo. I also am looking forward to leaving the terrible and unfortunate disappointment that has been my res, and moving into my awesome apartment with my friend, Jade, next year :) Things I will NOT miss about res-life: the communal fridge, walking downstairs to get to the communal fridge, the communal bathroom and its see-through shower curtains, other peoples hair blocking the shower drain, campus-wide power outages, crappy res food, walking to the dining hall to eat the crappy res food, being pressured into bonding happy-clappy res events, people stealing my washing slots, the rowdy-ass crows that live outside my window (try studying with that in the background), my back-breakingly uncomfortable bed and the far-too-long Wednesday night house meetings. Things I will miss about res: apple crumble desert at the dining hall, fun campus vibes, the cat, and yeah that's about it. Anyway, back to the books.
xxx Jamay
No pics today but I thought I'd make a list of some of the funnier BBM statuses I've seen over the last few days. enjoy
- Dad: "It's summer, they all coming down now" ... Me: "what, the dogs?" ... Dad: "no the hobos"
- I want to have a belly so big that when I go over a speed bump I hoot
- The two R's of my December holiday: Rage, and Rehab
- Better late than... pregnant
- I don't like koalas, they have agendas
- What rhymes with Cuba? Cocaine.
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