Sunday, 23 September 2012

When all the fun things become legal

Today is my little brothers 18th birthday, Happy Birthday bruv! In SA this of course means he can now legally drink, drive and other things we tend to do illegally anyway ;P So I'm a cake person,I love baking. My bruv and I have a tradition of me making him a kick ass birthday cake which I have to top each year. So far I've managed but this year was hard since last years was sooo amazingly awesome and extremely ambitious. I always use this gorgeous brownie recipe for the cake part, and then go to down with the decorating and such. 
Check out the pics of this years cakes and some of the past ones :) 

xxx Jamay

2012- and collage of things he likes

ipod and rowing blades

bike helmet

2011 cake, full sized bass guitar

2010 cake, double chocolate death by chocolate

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