Sunday, 30 September 2012

Safety first, then teamwork

So my res has taken safe sex to a whole new level. I mean they were quite intense about it before, and rightly so. They had free condoms at the door, free condoms in every cubicle in every bathroom, and we got several very serious speeches at the beginning of the year on safe sex, STDs and a tutorial involving a water bottle, bananas, condoms, diaphragms, and other latex products. Fun. I'm not undermining the importance of safe sex, seriously, be wise, condemize and all that, but now they're just getting impractical. Several new 'condom boxes' have been attached to the walls throughout res, very large boxes with pointy corners that stick out of the wall very inconveniently. I cannot count the number of times I have walked out of my bathroom and straight into that stupid wooden box, that, by the way, doesn't even have any condoms in it, so like, what's the point? There can be no doubt as to the purpose of these boxes as they all have a large, purple, laminated sign stuck above them displaying the wonderfully witty and completely original message that "SAFE SEX SAVES LIVES!" (and on a side note I'd like to point out that it also prevents lives, so although true, the message leaves itself open to a lot of sarcastic jokes which tend to undermine the deeply sober thoughts and seriousness that it was supposedly meant to instill in it's young and wild sexually active readers). Here I'd like to make another point, and that is that these large boxes coupled with their equally large signs are not very inconspicuous and people are a lot less likely to brave the publicity and actually go get a condom out the box. It made much more sense to keep them in the bathroom which provided a subtle excuse, so that if one did require a condom it would not be so blatantly obvious. I completely agree that safe sex and the promotion of safe sex are important, but i would also like to be able to walk around a corner or down a corridor without sustaining a semi-serious injury. In conclusion, for structures that are meant to promote safety... these boxes are kinda unsafe. 

xxx Jamay         

Below are some pics of said 'safe sex boxes'

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