It is safe to say that Grahamstown is a small town. There is one very small and outdated movie house, many historical buildings, a couple of churches and chapels, one cathedral, extremely bad roads, and no McDonalds. Despite this there is usually something interesting happening and we students don't often find ourselves at a loss for something to do. During the week there isn't enough time as we are kept busy with lectures, tuts and various assignments. On Fridays and Saturdays there is always a party happening somewhere, usually many. However then we reach Sunday. On Sunday's there are no restaurants or shops open (with the exception of fast food, the BP, and Pick 'n Pay), and there is seldom a party. In general Sunday's are reserved for sleeping off the hangover or rushing through your procrastinated assignments.
This past weekend my friends and I said no to the typical Sunday, and set out for Bathurst. Now if Grahamstown is a small town, then Bathurst is a small village. It's like one of those quaint places you see in movies, where everyone knows everyone else. The main road in Bathurst consists of a pub; the Pig and Whistle, a cafe or two, and a few vintage-craft type shops. There is no ATM. Bathurst may be a small town, but it is well known in the Eastern Cape as the venue for the annual Ox Braai.
There is another thing that Bathurst is known for, and that is the Big Pineapple. Most of the farms around Bathurst are pineapple farms and on one of them stands the Big Pineapple. It is 16.7m high and has three floors with an observation deck at the top. The ground floor has been made into a gift shop where you can buy all sorts of pineapple-y stuff. It's R10 to go up, unless you're a child or student, then lucky you it's half price! Also on the farm is a restaurant and bar that serves an assortment of admittedly delicious pineapple cocktails.
I am aware that visiting the Big Pineapple sounds like a fairly random thing to do on a Sunday, but don't knock it before you try it. It really is kind of fun in an inner-child kind of way.
So if you're ever in the area, I would definitely recommend you check it out. Not many people get to go inside a giant pineapple after all.
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