Semester 1 is over, lectures have been missed, tuts have been LOA'ed, people have been hospitalised over last minute cramming and panic attacks, and finally exams have been written. For most this means a month of vacation bliss, of sleeping late, spending quality time with hometown family and friends and going on alcohol induced adventures. For a select few, however, this time of joy is dampened by the promise of course-required vac work. My own vacation has been put on hold while I complete my required 40hours or 1 week of intern work in a newsroom, in my case at the Algoa Sun. For those of you who have not been lucky enough to spend any time in the thriving metropolis that is Port Elizabeth, the Algoa Sun is made up of several publications that cover the different areas of PE, such as Walmer, the Western Suburbs, the Northern Areas, and Motherwell. I only started today so I can't say much about it yet, except that everyone has been the appropriate degree of friendly, I'm allowed to eat at my desk and, unlike at The Herald, they've given me my own computer. So having covered the most important aspects, I say thumbs up so far.
Tomorrow the other intern and I are going walkabout in Greenacres and Walmer Park to do Vox Pops. Vox Pops are when you stop random people and ask them their opinion about a certain topic, and then you take their photo. We have to be politically correct in our choices so if you're the right colour and you say something vaguely interesting we might just put you in the paper. 'citing!
We haven't decided what we will be asking people about yet so if anyone has any interesting ideas then feel free to drop a comment or an email.
I've gotta go call Amor Vittone now and ask her some questions about stuff.