Tuesday, 3 March 2015


Please note that this blog has moved to a different site, the new address is: awidespreadlunacy.weebly.com

Please come and check out my new site :)

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Toposcopic Picnic

Matriarchs Maud Tucker (left), and Heather Hutchings (right) sit enjoy a glass of wine together at Toposcope, a viewing point at the top of one of Grahamstown's many surrounding hills, on 28 February 2015, Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Toposcope has a brilliant view of Grahamstown and the surrounding area.

Rhodes University student and rowing club member, Danny Tucker, picnics with his grandmothers on 28 February 2015, Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The university students often drive or hike up to this point.

Adventurous Jack-Russel; Jessie, explores the rocks at Toposcope while her family picnics, on 28 February 2015, at Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Student, Danny Tucker, re-enacts a famous scene from the Disney movie "The Lion King" with his Jack-Russel; Jessie, on 28 February 2015, Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Adele Tucker (right) stands arm in arm with mother-in-law, Maud Tucker, while her son, Danny Tucker explores the rocks further down the cliff, on 28 February 2015, at Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Jack-Russel, Jessie, gazes longingly at Heather Hutchings (right) as she eats a cookie, on 28 February 2015, at Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Ady Tucker sits and picnics with her family, on 28 February 2015, at Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Mother and grandmother, Heather Hutchings warms herself in the sun while picnic-ing with her family , on 28 February 2015, at Toposcope, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Schutzhund Dog Training

Schutzhund (protection dog) Dog Training (SDT) refers to a form training and evaluation originally designed for German Shepherds. The training focuses on three main areas; tracking, obedience, and protection. 

German Shepard, Danica, gazes up at her master during a SDT seminar on the 19th of July 2014 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The dog must sit next to their master facing the same direction but without looking away from her. ©Jamie Tucker

A trainee SDT trainer puts a German Shepard through a biting and protection exercise on the 19th of July 2014, in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The dogs are trained to aggressively bark at the ‘attacker’ (the trainer) and only to bite when the ‘attacker’ makes a sudden movement. ©Jamie Tucker

A trainee SDT trainer puts a German Shepard through a biting and protection exercise on the 19th of July 2014, in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Sticks and whips are used to try and agitate or provoke the dogs that are expected to ignore it. ©Jamie Tucker

Craig Le Roux holds his German Shepard, Drïgon, up by his harness during a SDT biting and protection exercise on the 17th of July 2014 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The dog is held in this way until it releases the padded arm guard used in the exercise. ©Jamie Tucker

Craig Le Roux walks ahead of his German Shepard, Drïgon, during a SDT obedience exercise on the 17th of July 2014 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The dog is expected to keep his muzzle touched to the palm of his master's hand as they walk together. ©Jamie Tucker